Hours: | Monday thru Friday 1:00 - 6:00pm | Closed Saturday and Sunday



A Library Card is needed to borrow from the Riley City Library or to utilize the computers on a regular basis. The Library Card is free upon application with a photo ID, proof of address, and a good standing with the Library—meaning we have not been advised of overdue or problematic issues with you by another Library. A borrower or computer user must be in good standing with the Riley City Library. Computer Usage Rules are posted above the two PCs and the four laptops.

Children under 18 will need parental permission to apply for a Library Card. The dated written signature of both child and parent will be on file. To maintain (renew) the Library Card once it expires after two years of non-use, children below the age of 16 who are the primary card holders need to come in with their parents and re-sign and date the records for their cards. Parents of minor children are responsible for the books/movies borrowed, including any fines or fees. Patrons 18 and over are self-responsible for anything borrowed.

Our patron card-holder file is updated every two years to help with our government funding. Simply by using your card on a regular basis, the Library knows you are an active card-holder. If your card has not been used for two years the Library may call to ask if you still want to be active, or we may send a letter asking you to contact the Library regarding renewal.

Please treat our books and movies with respect. We expect normal wear and tear, but ask that you do not mark or mutilate them. Please protect them from weather, pet, and food damage. If something does happen to a book or movie , we expect you to tell us and take responsibility. Many times a damaged book can be “saved” by taking appropriate action in a timely fashion. The same goes for DVD’s.

We loan our media player on the honor system. We expect you to return it in a timely manner. We have a handy outside-accessible drop for books and other borrowed items, to be used when the Library is closed.

Printed and audio books are loaned for a standard 3-week period. Movies are loaned for only 1 week. A book may be renewed up to an additional 3 weeks, and movies for an additional week, provided another patron is not waiting to check out that item. Renewal may be done by phone, e-mail, or by bringing in the item to have it rechecked. Any book or movie out longer than this added time is considered overdue and is subject to a fine. Overdue printed books are charged 10¢ per open day per book, or 50¢ per week per book. Audio books are 25¢ per open day or $1.25 per week. Movies and music are 50¢ per open day or $2.50 per week. All lost or mutilated books, CDs, DVDs, or tapes are subject to replacement cost, and the borrower will be billed for such.

Please return only the books and movies you have checked out at the Riley City Library. This includes NCKLS rotating book (yellow spine labels). Do not return our books or movies to other libraries or movie rental agencies, as you may be billed for their replacement cost.

The Riley City Library’s automated computer records system may send you via e-mail weekly reminders of materials you have borrowed. You will need to have provided a current and valid personal e-mail address. (This, however, does not apply to any of the NCKLS rotating books you may have borrowed.)
Fines and fees charged to you totaling $5 or more will result in temporary suspension of Library privileges, including future restrictions on the number of items you may borrow. If such occurs, a trial period will be established during which checked-out items must be returned in a timely manner for three consecutive borrowing visits. This applies to any Interlibrary Loan (ILL) items.

If you have moved, taking our Library material with you, please contact us. It is not necessary for a registered letter to reach you in order for us to take action against you. We still expect you to return any borrowed materials or to contact us and arrange to send us the replacement cost of the item(s). We have the right to contact other Libraries regarding any delinquent status.

We hope to have you as an active, responsible patron for years to come. We welcome input and comments regarding the Library and its services. Feel free to visit with the Librarian or the Library Board Members on any matter regarding such.

Please take time to browse our shelves . . . and WELCOME TO RILEY CITY LIBRARY!

DESKTOP COMPUTERS—The two desktop computers are considered SECURE as they are hard-wired terminals. They are best for actions requiring privacy.

LAPTOP COMPUTERS—NOT considered secure. None of our computers are considered GAMING COMPUTERS, but patrons may access online games. External gaming devices may not be brought into the library to be attached to our computers.
None of our computers are considered CHILDREN’S COMPUTERS, but may be used by children.

NO FOOD OR DRINK is allowed in either of the computer areas when using the equipment.

ONLY LIBRARY CARD HOLDERS 6 and OLDER may use the computers, provided they
have adequate computer knowledge. The Librarian may make that determination.

TIME LIMIT—DESKTOPS: Patrons may spend 30 minutes on a desktop computer. If no
one is waiting, additional time can be given by Librarian.

TIME LIMIT—LAPTOPS: Patrons may spend 1 hour on a laptop. If no one is waiting,
additional time can be given by Librarian.



VISITORS may use the computers and/or Wi-Fi up to twice every 3 months without a
Library card.


• Non-disruptive, QUIET behavior is required when using the computers; social media
bullying is not tolerated.
• Abusive, potentially damaging handling of computers is not permitted.
• Offensive or pornographic photos, messaging, or websites are not permitted using RCL computers or when using its Wi-Fi inside or outside the building. Riley City Library
computers are in compliance with the Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA).
• Illegal transactions are not permitted to or from RCL computers or when using its Wi-Fi
inside or outside the building.
• The Director or assistants have the right to end your computer session for any reason.
They may also ask you to modify any inappropriate or non-permitted behavior in order
for you to continue your computer session.

Revised and Approved by Riley City Library Board
October 17, 2016

Riley City Library

Public access to the Internet and online services have become an integral part of the Riley City Library’s programs and services. The intent of this policy is to meet the provisions of the Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act, as well as provide guidelines for patrons and staff regarding online computer use of Internet accessible computers.

The purpose of the Internet Safety Policy of Riley City Library is to implement and enforce technology protection measures to: ensure that no minor has access to visual depictions that are child pornography, harmful to minors, or obscene; and ensure that no person has access to visual depictions that are child pornography or obscene while using a public access computer.

Developed under the direction of the Board of the Riley City Library, this Internet Safety Policy was discussed and adopted during an open meeting of the Library Board on September 12, 2016. This policy supersedes all previous Internet Safety Policy statements of the Riley City Library and is effective on September 12, 2016.

This policy document will be reviewed by the Riley City Library Board at least every three years.

Legal Requirements
The Riley City Library’s Internet Safety Policy complies with the applicable requirements of subsection (b) and L. 2013, ch. 98, sec. 1, and amendments thereto, commonly known as the Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act.

The Riley City Library has in place a policy of Internet safety for minors, including the operation of a technology protection measure or other process that blocks or filters online access to visual depictions that are child pornography, harmful to minors or obscene as defined in L. 2013, ch. 98, sec.1.

Supervision and Monitoring
Subject to staff supervision, technology protection measures may be disabled only for bona fide research or other lawful purpose. It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Riley City Library staff to supervise and monitor usage of the online computer network and access to the Internet in accordance with this policy and the Kansas Children’s Internet Protection Act.

Patrons who encounter web sites which they believe should be blocked but which are not, or who are prevented from accessing web sites which they believe should not be blocked may submit a complaint. This should be given in writing to the President of the Riley City Library Board and include the URL of the site in question and whether the request is to block or unblock it. Staff shall examine the site and determine whether it should be blocked or unblocked. If the technology protection measure being used is a regional service, the information and recommendation shall be forwarded to the appropriate regional staff.

Complaints about enforcement of this policy or observed patron behavior which violate this policy shall also be submitted in writing to the President of the Riley City Library Board, providing as much detail as possible.

The library shall inform patrons of the provisions of this policy, including the standards used and procedures for complaint, by posting the policy in the Riley City Library.

The Riley City Library (RCL) interlibrary loan service (ILL) offers its patrons access to materials that are not available at RCL, which includes books, DVDs, and documents where available from other libraries in Kansas and out of state. ILL is a cooperative service agreement between libraries to lend or to borrow these materials.

ILL is available to all Riley City Library cardholders with accounts in good standing (less than $5 in outstanding fines or fees).

There are no restrictions on the type of materials borrowers may request, with the exception of textbooks. ILL requests cannot be made for items from other libraries that are available in the Riley City Library collection unless the item has been lost or missing for over 30 days.

Generally, no fees or charges are assessed for borrowing through the RCL ILL system. However, if materials are to be obtained from out-of-state lenders, postage and handling or photocopy costs may be charged. Borrowers will be asked to specify a maximum amount they would be willing to pay for such.

Borrowers through ILL may request up to three items per day and may have up to six outstanding requests at any time, including items checked out, requested, and in transit.

ILL items may be borrowed for four weeks from the date the item is checked out to a borrowing library. The loan period for DVDs is two weeks. Most items may be renewed for the original loan period, unless there is a hold on that item. DVDs can be renewed.

Overdue fines of 10¢ per day are charged for most ILL materials, up to a maximum fine of $3. Overdue fines of 50¢ per day are charged for DVDs, up to a maximum fine of $5. There is a one-day grace period for overdue items.

Lost ILL items are charged to the borrower for the amount assessed by the lending library.

Borrowers are responsible for damages to ILL material while it is in their possession. Fines for damage or replacement costs are assessed by the lending library. Riley City Library collects the costs from the borrower and remits it to the lending library. Borrowers are notified of damages fines and fees by mail.

Records of ILL transactions are only maintained for the time needed to retrieve and return an item on loan.


Riley City Library does not lend its non-circulating materials and assets, such as storybook boxes or items that are not replaceable through ILL, nor does it lend items that are in high-demand by RCL patrons. These popular and often current materials are maintained in-house for RCL patron use.

Loan periods for outgoing materials from RCL are the same as for incoming materials: four weeks from the date the item is checked out to the borrowing library.

RCL does not charge for outgoing items on ILL, unless out-of-state postage and handling are involved, or photocopies of more than two pages are requested.

ILL libraries borrowing from RCL are charged list costs for returned items that are damaged and beyond use. In addition, a $5 processing fee is charged per item. There is no charge for minor damage that can be repaired or for minor wear and tear.

Borrowing libraries will be billed for items that are lost and not returned. Libraries with outstanding fees for lost or damaged items may be denied ILL privileges.

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